Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, October 20, 2023
Solar Implosions Are About to Hit the Earth
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on October 15, 2023

Beloved Children, I am He Who I Am!
Sad comes the hour for those who do not believe in Me!
My children: still I call you to keep My Commandments!
Stand firm in Me: do not deviate from My teachings! The world changes... but, My Words will never change. Fortify yourselves in Me, O men: your time is over; convert now. Solar implosions are about to hit the earth, a great blackout will come. You who have been trolling in technology, ... oh you who have made it your bread and butter of life, you will find yourselves displaced. Prepare to live by giving up everything you had easy.
Beloved Children: put in you a glimmer of light to understand that everything you have had up to now, tomorrow you will no longer have it, ... you will return as to primitive times.
Pray much, O men:
the storm is about to break out, suddenly you will find yourselves bereft of every good thing. My Chalice overflows because of your horrible sins; you have marked your doom by turning away from Me, "the Absolute Good," to follow Evil. You will have to suffer much. In the Middle East is distress, ... war is pressing. The murderers celebrate victory but ... suddenly they will find themselves displaced and fall into the lake of fire!
Source: ➥